Tuesday, May 29, 2018

Shifting Atmospheres Chapter 10

Chapter 10 – Shifting Atmospheres over Yourself and Your Home

As always, this chapter was really good.  I love how Dawna makes sure to point out that we have to forgive the people who have given us the harmful mindsets.  I don't really think of that perspective often.  But it is so important and crucial to full healing, not only for you but for the person who you are forgiving.  They might come up against walls you haven't torn down that they don't have the authority to break.

In order to walk in authority we need to make declarations of truth and follow that with actions of faith!

An important point to remember is that everyone / thing has an atmosphere and we are to consider what atmosphere we are producing and the need to steward our own broadcasts, which begins with the heart.  It is our mindset that broadcasts an atmosphere from our heart.  We can look at people’s responses to us as a possible indication of the message we are broadcasting.

Sometimes the cause and solution to our behavior or broadcasts might be buried and take some examinations to determine the cause and bring about a change.  I found the example from the book interesting…  Strive for intercession of others instead of judgement of them, done for self-preservation, which the underling solution is to be healed of the fear of being hurt by them!

Possible steps for healing wrong atmospheres:
1. What ungodly atmospheres am I emitting?
2. What mindsets caused these atmospheres?
3. What lies am I believing that cause this mindset?
4. Who do I forgive for teaching me these lies?
5. What truth dispels the lies?
6. Transmit an atmosphere based on truths.

The books admonition to think about what atmosphere we want to project from us and our home is important.  This is something everyone should think about and come up with solutions for.  Everything we allow into our home affects the atmosphere.  For me I think an atmosphere of the fruits of the spirit is a good goal to work toward.

My responsibility is to think on all that's lovely and true and pure so that those vibes are being broadcasted by me.  As Dawna says, "The more you steward wholeness into your heart, the easier it will be not to partner with atmospheres that reflect your own inner wounds."  I can't be perfect and only have love in my heart 24/7, but I can pursue wholeness and shalom and prepare the soil of my heart to be fertile for those things, for the fruit of Holy Spirit.

Monday, May 14, 2018

Shifting Atmospheres Chapter 9

Chapter 9 – Shifting Atmospheres

Here are a few quotes from this chapter that stuck out to me:

    “Shifting atmospheres is a way to shine in such a way that you draw people to the one true God.”

    “We should be walking transmitters of His character and release his attributes into every atmosphere we encounter.”

    “There is something powerful in humbling ourselves before the Lord and offering ourselves to His will that activates us with His power, covering, and victory.”

Shifting atmospheres is spiritual warfare and we are reminded to stay in the shelter of the Most High and to partner with the Holy Spirit and not try to fight the enemy on our own.  To be successful in shifting atmospheres we are to be confident and bold.  To not be intimidated or partner with / take on the atmosphere of the enemy.

I appreciate the real world examples given by the author in this chapter and throughout the book which gives us greater understanding of the principles taught here and shows us that what we are told isn’t just theoretical, but comes from experience and practical application.  Our job is to expose darkness with His light.  I found it interesting in some of the stories how the removal of demonic presence gave a result or impression of an increase in perceivable brightness!  Another aspect gleaned from Dawna’s accounts is that a negative situation we may have been dealing with for years can be changed quickly and dramatically with atmosphere shifting.