Thursday, April 5, 2018

Shifting Atmospheres Chapter 7

Chapter 7 – Finding Your Normal

This chapter encourages us to examine our “Normal” thoughts or beliefs about ourselves to determine if they are based on the truths of God’s word or the lies of the enemy.  Since it is impossible for any belief system based on a lie to produce good fruit, establishing the proper normal with a true mindset is crucial to properly discerning atmospheres.

When we believe a lie for so long, we think it is normal and thus fail to recognize and reject it as coming from the enemy.  These lies bear bad fruit in our lives.  We do not want to work at hiding the bad fruit, but instead uprooting the lies by taking every thought captive and renewing our minds with God’s truth.

Below are the main points charted in the book to help us examine our normal.

Healthy Normal Unhealthy Normal
Courage         Fear
Accepted         Rejected
Peace Stress
Love Selfishness
Self-Control Perversion
Acceptance Self-Hatred
Prosperity Poverty
Purpose         Aimlessness
Hope Hopelessness
Joy         Sadness

Dawna made a point that stuck out to me: when Holy Spirit reveals something to me, I should not try to cover the mess up but embrace the healing God wants to do now that I see.  It's so true that we can only be free by being honest.  The lies don't have any power once we realize the truth.  Lies only have power when we think they are the truth.  So I can walk out my healing simply by no longer hiding from the facts but acknowledging the voices that are false as what they are: false.  We can ask Holy Spirit to reveal the lies and supplant them with truth; that's how Dawna says to develop a healthy normal.

I was struck by the story of the lady at the end of the chapter.  Wow!  The little things do matter and we need God to reveal to us the impact of things!  It's way too easy to ignore thoughts we accept as our own or about ourselves that we embrace as our reality.

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