Saturday, October 8, 2016

Week 40 Bible Reading Review

Week 40  Haggai 1:1 to Matthew 8:1

Hag 1  Even though the people did what should have been sufficient for their needs, God caused lack (v9).  Does God’s kingdom get ignored while we work on our own today?

Hag 2:17  When things go wrong in our lives, do we turn to God?  Does the “size” of the trouble affect our response?  We might consider troubles as not being under His blessing and turn to God to find out why.

Zec 8:16  God’s short list on what the returning remnant were to do: speak truth, make true decisions, do not plot evil or love perjury.

Zec 14  In the end times this chapter clearly shows that the feast of Sukkot will still be celebrated in Jerusalem during the time when Messiah is fulfilling this festival.

Mal 1:3  “I (God) hated Esau”…  Elsewhere in the Bible we are told to love our enemies, also that God is not a respecter of persons.  I have been taught that ‘hated’ here means ‘not preferred’, yet hated is how it is translated and verse 4 emphasizes this conclusion.  Why is this?  In Psalm 103 it states God loves those who fear Him.  From this we might conclude that Esau did not fear God.

Mal 1  God expects our best.  Do we give him the best part of our time?  Do we serve others with our all as unto the Lord?  Is serving our King a burden to us?

Mal 3:17-18  It may seem the righteous perish and the wicked prosper, but God is preparing a day when justice will rule.

Matt 1:20  Wouldn’t it be awesome to have the Angel of the Lord tell you clearly what to do.  Joseph gets this benefit several times in the first part of Matthew.

Matt 2:8  Herod told the wise men to report back to him.  Their response is not recorded, giving me the conclusion that it was not held against them if they said they would.  Should our response to commitments always be:  “As God wills”?

Matt 3:10  We must produce good fruit.  This is the judgement stick we are to use.

Matt 4:18-22  If a stranger walked up to us while we were working on our job and said to follow him, would we drop everything and do it?  One would think there is more back story or a spiritual draw the disciple recruits experienced, perhaps it was an honor to these unlearned men to be asked to follow a ‘rabbi’.

Matt 5-7  The sermon on the mount.  Yeshua / Jesus raises the bar on a few commands, taking it to the heart level.  Admonishing humility and the seeking first of God’s kingdom and His righteousness, not the things of this world.  An excellent sermon that we should all frequently review.

Next Reading:  Week 41  Matthew 8:1 to Matthew 26:1

Instead of a blog post by Dale this week, I am going to share some notes I took from a message I recently listened to by Henry Gruver to hopefully provide for us a practical application of remitting sins we can use in our daily lives.

Henry has many fascinating testimonies of prayer walking.  He has walked in 54 countries and been doing this over the last 55 years.  One main teaching he does is on the remitting of sins. (John 20:23)

When you meet / see someone take your first thought of them to God.
If it is positive – Give thanks and pray God to multiply this in them.
If it is negative – Remit their sins (or repent of yours if need be).

Remitting of sins is asking God to forgive a person who is not repenting.  Upon doing this, God lifts the heavy load of condemnation off of the sinner, giving them a space of time to repent.  Next ask God to pour his goodness upon the person. (Romans 2:4)  It is the goodness of God that leads to lasting repentance.  Then pray God would send laborers into His harvest.

This is something we can implement in our lives and see what God does!

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